Friday, August 21, 2009

German Manufacturing Provides Support for Euro Climb

Germany and France posted favorable reports today indicating that the wealthiest countries in the Eurozone may be finding its way out of recession, evidence which helped the euro to gain versus several currencies towards the end of this week’s session.
After surprising economists worldwide several days ago when Germany and France posted an unexpected growth for the second quarter, today, the strongest economies in the Eurozone bloc posted a rise in manufacturing and services industries, once again going beyond estimations and bringing optimism suggesting that the current recession in the region may be having its final days. The PMI numbers were not sufficient to make the euro to rally versus the yen, since China affirmed that it may restrict capital requirements for domestic banks, causing an instant negative reaction in Asian stocks, which is a yen positive factor.
Analysts evaluate the current market reaction to European PMI numbers as a short-term market impulse, even though the data provided are solid and indeed an evidence of economic improvements, mainly in Germany, while France performed less positively in these reports. Germany is the Eurozone’s economic heart, and when the country finds its way out of recession the Euro is like to be bullish.
EUR/USD traded at 1.4303 as of 9:55 GMT from a previous rate of 1.4237 in the intraday comparison. EUR/JPY traded near neutrality from yesterday’s rate at 134.12.

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