Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Canadian Dollar Climbs Fueled By Stocks Rally

The Canadian dollar reached a 10-month high versus its U.S. counterpart as corporate earnings, mainly in North America, but also in Asia and Europe, posted better-than-expected numbers, pushing investors to the already attractive Canadian currency.
The crude oil price rally during the past weeks has been favoring the Canadian dollar massively, since one of the main national exports to the U.S. is the oil, which experiences an increase on its price as demand for energy tends to grow in a recovering economy. Corporate earnings this week in the U.S. and Asia helped high-yielding currencies to gain even further, as the greenback and the yen tumbled to the lowest levels in more than a year. Manufacturing in China figures published yesterday, indicated the highest climb in a year, suggesting that the Asian nation is also being helped by global signs of economic recovery, as a higher demand influences its industrial production.
Analysts state that equities market gains have still a reasonable range to continue, and that the Canadian dollar is very likely to follow these movements. The crude oil may also help the Canadian dollar to climb, and it is not impossible that the loonie will be traded one-to-one versus its U.S. counterpart before the end of the year.
USD/CAD traded at 1.0697 as of 9:13 GMT from a previous rate yesterday of 1.0780.

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